2024 Annual Meeting
August 18 - 22, 2024
Hotel Paradox
Santa Cruz, California
Uploaded Presentations are denoted by bold text
Some animations/videos may have been lost, please contact presenter for direct links
Where presentations were not available for publication the presenter's contact info should be linked
August 18 - 22, 2024
Hotel Paradox
Santa Cruz, California
Uploaded Presentations are denoted by bold text
Some animations/videos may have been lost, please contact presenter for direct links
Where presentations were not available for publication the presenter's contact info should be linked
Monday, August 19
Morning Session - OPENING SESSION
Moderator: Keisha Cornelius (OK, OAS Chair)
Moderator: Steve Seeger (TN, OAS Past Chair)
Tuesday, August 20
Moderator: Niki Minnick (PA, OAS Treasurer)
Afternoon Session - FUSION
Moderator: Beth Shelton (TN, OAS Chair Elect)
Wednesday, August 21
Morning Session - MEDICAL/IMPEP
Moderator: David Matos (GA, OAS Secretary)
Afternoon Session - WBL AND OTHER NMP TOPICS
Moderator: Phill Peterson (CO, OAS Director of Rulemaking)
Thursday, August 22
Moderator: Phill Peterson (CO, OAS Director of Rulemaking)
1. Updates on Artificial Intelligence and Nuclear Medicine Imaging – Auggie Ong (NH) and Cathy Perham (NH)
2. 2024: Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Radiation Protection – Auggie Ong (NH)
3. Get Involved – OAS Executive Board
4. What Do We Do? – OAS and CRCPD Executive Boards
5. Self-Assessment Tool – Phill Peterson (CO)
6. History: Only American Death in the Private Nuclear Industry – Cathy Perham (NH) and Raymond Hicks, MD (consulting occupational physician)
7. NRC Sponsored Training, Updates, Delivery Options and More – Latonya Mahlahla (NRC)
8. NRAN Rotation with Oregon Agreement State Program – Mary Casto (NRC)
9. Management of a Patient Death and Cremation Following Lu-177 Therapy – Nick Dorrell (UVA) and Michael Welling (UVA)
Morning Session - OPENING SESSION
Moderator: Keisha Cornelius (OK, OAS Chair)
- 8:00 Opening Remarks – Keisha Cornelius (OK, OAS Chair)
- 8:05 Welcome to California – Anthony Chu (Chief, Div. of Radiation Safety & Environmental Management)
- 8:15 Keynote Address – The Honorable Commissioner David A. Wright (NRC)
- 8:55 Agreement State 50 Year Presentation – Commissioner Wright (NRC)
- 9:00 OAS Update – Keisha Cornelius (OK)
- 10:00 Executive Director of Operations Fireside Chat – Mirela Gavrilas (NRC)
- 10:30 NMSS Updates: Advancing the National Materials Program – John Lubinski (NRC)
- 11:00 Hall of Fame Award – Keisha Cornelius (OK)
Moderator: Steve Seeger (TN, OAS Past Chair)
- 12:30 Networking in the National Materials Program – Kevin Williams (NRC)
- 1:00 The 2023-2024 Year in Review: NMP Co-Champions Discussion – Santiago Rodriguez (NM) and Duncan White (NRC)
- 1:35 Exempt Device Distribution Discussion – Ron Parsons (TN), Becki Harisis (NE), and Kevin Williams (NRC)
- 2:30 OAS Business Meeting
Tuesday, August 20
Moderator: Niki Minnick (PA, OAS Treasurer)
- 8:00 The Office of Radiological Security and an Overview of the Cesium Irradiator Replacement Project – Shea Cotton (National Nuclear Security Administration NNSA)
- 8:20 Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) Updates – Lisa Bruedigan (TX, CRCPD Chairperson)
- 8:40 Source Collection and Threat Reduction (SCATR) Program – Mike Snee (CRCPD)
- 9:00 What You Need to Know About Jurisdictional Determination – Duncan White (NRC)
- 9:50 NRC Fusion Rulemaking Updates and the ADVANCE Act – Duncan White (NRC) and Allyce Bolger (NRC)
- 10:40 Lessons Learned and Potential Hurdles with Fusion – Melvin Weatherly (WA), Megan Shober (WI), and John Fassell (CA)
- 11:20 Fusion Inspector Training – Megan Shober (WI) and Kyle Walton (WI)
Afternoon Session - FUSION
Moderator: Beth Shelton (TN, OAS Chair Elect)
- 1:00 Fusion Industry Association Update – Jeffrey S. Merrifield (Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP)
- 1:30 Crucial Engagement Activities for Establishing Optimal Conditions for Licensing Fusion Systems in Tennessee – Pascal Dumont (Type One Energy) and Beth Shelton (TN)
- 1:55 Tritium Fuel Cycle Overview – Daniel Clark (Type One Energy)
- 2:10 CFS’ Path to Commercial Fusion: Our Massachusetts Experience and Path Forward – Corinne Mitchell (Commonwealth Fusion Systems)
- 3:00 New Nuclear Deployments in North America – Ben Holtzman (NEI)
- 3:30 Fusion Devices: Licensing and Decommissioning for Activation Products – Ashley Cockerham (Mercurie Consulting) and Yasmine Saboui (Targeted Design Solutions)
- 3:50 Progress on Polaris & Licensing Experience – Devin Mussell (Helion Energy) and Andrew Proffitt (Helion Energy)
Wednesday, August 21
Morning Session - MEDICAL/IMPEP
Moderator: David Matos (GA, OAS Secretary)
- 8:00 NRC Medical Team Updates – Sarah Spence (NRC)
- 8:20 Proposed Rule on Reporting Nuclear Medicine Injection Extravasations as Medical Events – Jill Shepherd (NRC) and Sarah Spence (NRC)
- 8:40 Updates from the National Institutes of Health – Cathy Ribaudo (NIH)
- 9:00 Recent Advances in Prostate Brachytherapy – Jackie Moga (AAPM)
- 9:50 American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Building Partnerships with the National Materials Program – Max Amurao (AAPM)
- 10:10 ASTRO 101: A (Re)Introduction – Cindy Tomlinson (ASTRO)
- 10:30 Advanced Molecular Compounding: A Mobile Ga-68 Radiopharmacy Company? – Troy Curnutt (Advanced Isotopes of Nevada)
- 10:45 Patient Deaths After a Radiotherapeutic Treatment – Mike Welling (University of Virginia)
- See Poster also.
- 11:10 Key Recommendations from the Working Group to Assess NMP Performance – Sherrie Flaherty (NRC)
Afternoon Session - WBL AND OTHER NMP TOPICS
Moderator: Phill Peterson (CO, OAS Director of Rulemaking)
- 12:45 Integrated Source Management Portfolio (ISMP) Updates – Ernesto Quinones (NRC)
- 1:05 Transitioning to Web Based Licensing (WBL) – Amber Schmidt (KS)
- 1:25 How to Submit a Regulation Review Package and Incorporating by Reference (IBR) and License Conditions – Huda Akhavannik (NRC)
- 2:30 State of Artificial Intelligence: A Panel Discussion – Luis Betancourt (NRC), Auggie Ong (NH), Jesus Romero (TAE), and Lisa Bruedigan, (TX, CRCPD Chairperson)
- 3:25 Cleanup Partnership Produces Notable Outcomes in Oak Ridge, TN – Ashley Saunders (United Cleanup Oak Ridge)
- 3:55 G-75 Working Group for General Licensing Program Guidelines – Nate Kishbaugh (NY) and Christopher Giaquinto (NJ)
- 4:15 Riding the Waves: Ensuring Long-Term Success in Radiation Control Programs – Angela Leek (SummitEI)
- 4:35 Why the Agreement State License is Critical for Safe and Compliant Importation of Radioactive Material – Andrea Jones (NRC)
Thursday, August 22
Moderator: Phill Peterson (CO, OAS Director of Rulemaking)
- 8:00 (swapped with 10:45) Illinois Incident Review: Steel Mill Co-60 Source Melting – Gary Forsee (IL)
- 8:25 American Nuclear Corporation, an Origin Story and EPA Removal – Ryan Crihfield (TN) and Carter Owens (EPA)
- 9:05 Who Moved My Truck? The XCEL NDT, LLC Stolen/Recovered Industrial Radiography Truck Story – Lizette Roldán-Otero (NRC)
- 9:25 Inspection at Taco John’s (because I turned right) – Lizette Roldán-Otero (NRC)
- 9:45 Transportation Security UNIFIED Stakeholders Group (TSUSG) – Mark Yeager (TSUSG)
- 10:05 Texas Incidents: Collaborations & Lessons Learned – Lisa Bruedigan (TX)
- 10:25 Stuck High-Dose Rate (HDR) Afterloader Source – Jason vonEhr (NRC)
- 10:45 (swapped with 8:00) NRC Sponsored Training for the National Materials Program – Latonya Mahlahla (NRC)
- 11:10 State Agreement and Liaison Programs Branch (SLPB) Updates – Adelaide Giantelli (NRC)
- 11:40 Collaboration & Innovation – Beth Shelton (TN); Keisha Cornelius (OK)
- 11:45 Invitation to 2025 Meeting – Beth Shelton (TN); Keisha Cornelius (OK)
1. Updates on Artificial Intelligence and Nuclear Medicine Imaging – Auggie Ong (NH) and Cathy Perham (NH)
2. 2024: Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Radiation Protection – Auggie Ong (NH)
3. Get Involved – OAS Executive Board
4. What Do We Do? – OAS and CRCPD Executive Boards
5. Self-Assessment Tool – Phill Peterson (CO)
6. History: Only American Death in the Private Nuclear Industry – Cathy Perham (NH) and Raymond Hicks, MD (consulting occupational physician)
7. NRC Sponsored Training, Updates, Delivery Options and More – Latonya Mahlahla (NRC)
8. NRAN Rotation with Oregon Agreement State Program – Mary Casto (NRC)
9. Management of a Patient Death and Cremation Following Lu-177 Therapy – Nick Dorrell (UVA) and Michael Welling (UVA)